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APC Professional Women Network Endorses Dr. Princess Adenyinka Bello-Olarimoye For Rep

The conference started at 7:10pm, and was chaired by Engr. Wuraola Atinuke Owolabi (President APC Professional Women Network)

Opening prayers held by Engr. Wuraola Atinuke Owolabi (President APC Professional Women Network)

The President, APC Professional Women Network in person of Engr. Wuraola Atinuke Owolabi was given the flow where she stated categorically the need why the political party should give the constituency a female to represent them and the best candidate in person of Dr. Princess Adenyinka Bello-Olarimoye.

Some questions were also asked during the conference which are as follows:

Who is Dr. Princess Adeyinka Bello-Olarinmoye?
By Engr. Wuraola Atinuke Owolabi, President APC Professional Women Network

Dr. Princess Adeyinka Bello-Olarinmoye Hail from Ogbagi, Akoko. A Senior lecturer at the Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos. She is a staunch member of the APC and has held several positions in both Lagos and Ondo States.
Dr. Bello-Olarinmoye holds a PHD in antropology from the University of Ibadan. She had earlier obtained her B.SC and Masters in the same discipline from the University. In 1999, she joined the AD in the Ilasamaja area of Mushin, Lagos and has been a dedicated member of the political party ever since


Dr. Adeyinka also known as Iyalode ABO, is not just a woman, but one with pedigree. An Africanist, Socialist Democrat, Liberal, Culture activist and a lover of Yoruba traditions. A wife, mother, daughter, and sister. She is responsible, amiable, compassionate, capable, trustworthy and above all, a God fearing woman. If given the opportunity to serve, she will do so efficiently.

She concluded.

Dr. Princess Adeyinka Bello Olarinmoye was given the chance to speak to the newsmen. She said:

“Politically, I was the pioneer AD Youth Leader in Ilasamaja 1998-2002. Founder and Coordinator of BAT Youths 1999 till date. Co-founder and National Secretary of Amazons for ABAT, Co-founder/Vice President, Jagabanists Online, i was the chairman of ICG for Ambode, Igando/Ikotun LCDA in 2015, appointed into the Lagos State APC Screening committee in 2017. Appointed the Deputy Coordinator for Buhari/Osinbajo House to House Campaign Council for Lagos State in 2019. I also served as the ICC Director of Education in the Independent campaign Council for Tinubu/Shettima and Sanwoolu/Hamzat in 2023. Also served as one of the 22 man committee for the inauguration of Sanwoolu/Hamzat in 2023.”

One of the newsmen asked her; The Liberation agenda; What are the Strategies you’d Implement to improve the welfarism of people of Akoko Northeast/Northwest Federal Constituency.

She said : “The Liberation agenda focuses on improving the welfarism of the people in Akoko Northeast/Northwest Federal Constituency. To achieve this, I would implement a multi-pronged approach.”

Firstly, I would work towards increasing access to quality healthcare by advocating for the construction and equipping of more healthcare facilities in underserved areas. Additionally, I would support initiatives to provide affordable and accessible education, including scholarships and vocational training programs.

Secondly, Economic empowerment through job creation and support for small scale businesses is another key aspect, and I’d promote policies to encourage entrepreneurship. Infrastructure development, particularly road and transportation networks, would be a priority to enhance connectivity and trade within the constituency.

Finally, I would engage in community-driven development projects to address specific local needs.

If voted to represent the constituency at the Green Chamber, what are your plans for women since you’re going to be the only female rep from ondo state?

“As the only female representative from Ondo State, I will do well not to burn the bridges after my emergence. Instead, I will help more women get involved in politics and Leadership roles and not just in the green chamber but across other spheres of government. There will be proper political education schemes to erase the erroneous assumptions of women in politics and the need to be more inclusive.

I would be committed to advancing the rights and opportunities of women. This includes advocating for policies that promote gender equality, such as equal pay, maternity leave, and anti-discrimination measures. I would also support women access to healthcare, education, and economic empowerment programs.

Creating a platform for women voice and concerns would be a priority, and I would work to establish women resource centers and forums for open dialogue.

Ultimately, my goal would be to empower women to actively participate in politics and leadership roles within the constituency.”

The youths and students occupy a larger part of the constituency population, what are your plans for them? And lastly, being a Senior Lecturer (A Scholar), how do you intend to improve education in the Constituency ?

“Recognizing the significance of youth and students in the constituency, As the saying goes “the youth are the hope of the future“ so the youth and students are of great importance to the progress of any society. I would prioritize their needs and aspirations. I would work to create opportunities for skill development and job creation, encouraging entrepreneurship and supporting startups.

Initiatives for affordable and quality education, including scholarships and improved educational infrastructure, would be a focal point. Engaging with youth through town hall meetings and youth councils by providing a means for their voice and concerns. Encouraging youth participation in decision-making and governance processes is crucial for the constituency’s development.

Drawing from my experience as a Senior Lecturer, I would aim to enhance education in the constituency by promoting policies that prioritize educational infrastructure, teacher training, and curriculum development.
I would work towards securing resources for schools, ensuring that they have modern facilities, textbooks, and technology.

Additionally, I’ll advocate for programs that promote academic excellence, creativity and innovation. Collaboration with educational institutions, local governments, and stakeholders would be key to address the specific needs of the constituency.

Encouraging research and development activities within the constituency and facilitating partnerships with universities and research institutions would further contribute to educational advancement.

These strategies collectively reflect my commitment to improving the overall welfare, representation, and development of Akoko Northeast/Northwest Federal Constituency.” She concluded.

Some of the audience attest to the fact and gave their opinions and support to her for the office by telling the public about what capacity she held in the past and all her good deeds.

Mr Tope B. from United States of America gave his attestation confirming that she’s worthy of the ticket base on her antecedents and all she had done not only for people from Akoko alone. She has impacted many life positively with all her deeds.

Mr. Akinrata Olugbega also gave his word of support simply because Dr. Olarinmoye has helped him a lot and not considering the fact that he is disabled, “she encouraged me and made me who i am today”. As he vow to mobilize all the disabled in the State and Akoko NE/NW to vote for her, simply because she impacted so much in his life.

Engr. Wuraola Atinuke Owolabi, The President, APC Professional Women Network was very impressed upon hearing all these as she gave a closing remark and she pleaded with the audience to keep doing the good work in supporting Dr. Princess Adeyinka Bello-Olarinmoye as she vow on her behalf that she will make a better Representation at the green chamber and a positive great change will come all the people of the constituency, Akoko Northeast/Northwest Federal Constituency.

The meeting was put to end as the host, Gabriel Fasholu gave a closing remarks.

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About Fasholu Gabriel Oluwatobi 1401 Articles
Gabriel O. Fasholu is the founder and editor of SPYCONNET. A brilliant Educationist, Social Media Enthusiast & Freelancer who is passionate about passing undefiled information to the entire public.

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