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Timi dakolo’s 8 year old daughter asks for money for hair

Timi Dakolo Reacts To Daughters Request


Nigerian artiste “Timi Dakolo” reacts to the request of his “8 year old daughter, zoe” as she asks him for money to make a new hairstyle. In his own words he said “I thought the girl child gets concerned about their outlook from age 15.” Well not zoe, apparently children tend to go a little faster than we think these days.

It was also recorded that the singers daughter made a statement, telling her dad that “she likes looking good.”


Timi Dakolo was mesmerized as he thought about the newly grown woman in his house (his 8 year old daughter.)

“Things are happening to me really fast” he said.

As soon as the news came to our notice, fans as well as friends and family have being dropping comments on the matter as most of them think its not such a bad idea to let her get her hair done. I mean I don’t think it’ll be of any harm but I think we should all let Timi Dakolo to decide.

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