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Top Five Things To Invest In For Beginners

I’m here with another top 5 list. Today I’m going to be dropping the top 5 assets to invest in for beginners. So if you’re new to investments, and you really want to go into it, this article would guide you in the right direction.

1) Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is definitely one of the most talked about asset on wall street today. What makes it really great for beginners is the ease in investing in it. The fact that you need to have little to no knowledge about it to invest is great, the downside though is that investing in the wrong crypto can result to losing all your investment. Right now, the top dogs of crypto have been experiencing some technical difficulty when it comes to price but much smaller coins have been doing just fine. So do your research (on google is fine) and invest.

2) Shares /Company stock.

This is more a long term investment than short term, and you might need a bit of foresight or luck to get a bounce off this one. Fast rising companies, like Tesla a couple years ago would make you a billionaire today.

3) Real Estate

If you know absolutely nothing about investment, real estate is your safest bet. It’s almost no risk and high reward. Real estate never depreciates as long as the building or land remain in good condition. In fact this should have been number 1

4) High yield savings account.

Just like the name suggests. There would be high returns for your savings. It no risk investment, but the return would be little compared to the others on the list.

5) People

Invest in people. Invest in ideas. It’s high risk, but a great idea that is funded could turn into a billion dollar empire. And two people that are lifted would have the ability to lift 4 more. That’s good investment in my books.

  1. There you have it guys.

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